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Friday, December 20, 2019

places to see in Cambodia

Cambodia has a number of destinations worth exploring. There are the tourist hot-spots of Siem Reap that houses the jewel Angkor Wat, Phnom Penh – the dusty and lively capital of Cambodia and Sihanoukville- the beach town that has lost its sheen. And then there are the less touristy, more peaceful, more close to the nature destinations including the Cambodian islands of Koh Rong & Koh Rong Sanloem, the beautiful towns of Kampot & Battambang and the beach towns of Kep and Koh Kong. After visiting all these places if you still have time you can add a few more places that I’ve not covered in this post in detail- Preah Vihear Temple in the North, Mondulkiri Province, Ratnakiri Province and the town of KratiĆ© in the East. 1. Siem Reap The city holds in it the biggest tourist magnet of Cambodia; the Angkor temples, words can fall short to describe the magnificence of these temples.The nightlife scene is also very vibrant in Siem Reap which makes it the most happening city in Cambodia. Things to do in Siem Reap: 1. Take a temple tour of the Angkor Temples. The temples were built between AD 802 and 1432 and are truly an architectural marvel. The biggest and the most famous is the Angkor Wat temple, a true masterpiece. Other major temples include: The Bayon temple which has 216 stone-carved faces; this one is the most spectacular among all. Ta Phrom which is now under reconstruction with the help from India and the limelight here is the huge tree roots that have clasped over different parts of the temple structure. Angkor Thom

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